Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I'm sitting here whilst all about me the women hustle and bustle, putting the feast together.  Madame LaBelle got up early and headed for the kitchen to work her magic there.

I've been thinking about all the people who have come into my life so recently, and how grateful I am to the Spirit of Aloha that they are here, having taken up residence in my heart. all of you who read this blog, to all of you who have reached out your hands of aloha time and again, mahalo from the Old Man.

'Ohana is a Hawaiian word.  It means, basically, "extended family."  And it's not necessarily the family one was born with.  It's more along the lines of...the family which emerges from one's life circumstances.

So I'm thinking of all of you, and that spirit of gratitude has been washing over me all morning long.

In no particular order....

Jamie, who will be leaving Lift Cafe soon.  We're all gonna miss her, and the Old Man will miss her in particular.  She's one of the Blessed Ones, blessed by great genetics and marvelous gifts of compassion and charisma.  Jamie, Dear Heart, thank you so much for appearing in my life and blessing it with your presence.  The party you organized on my behalf remains a highlight of my time in Austin.

Meagan.  The "Smouldering One."  Why do I call her that?  Because there is this sense of a deep fire burning within her, one which perhaps she's not quite aware of, but a fire of passion and potential.  Dear Meagan, claim your power and get out there on Life's Stage and grab that mike and start dancing.  All that you need will surely come.

Smokie and KB.  My "adopted children."  Smokie made it possible for this blog to happen as the little notebook had a major virus which was eating away at all the programs.  Couldn't even get a browser there until Smokie worked his magic and installed Ubuntu.

He and KB are evolving, growing, into activists.  They are passionate believers and have no problem sharing their convictions with others.  My hope for them is that they follow their bliss (as Joseph Campbell advised) and see where it leads them.

KB is a beautiful young woman blessed with gifts of charisma and compassion.  How interesting that so many of you have those same gifts!  And how blessed I am to have been the recipient of them so many times.  KB, darlin, I luv ya.

Willie.  Now here's a man who's a success in the nuts and bolts of economic life and yet has his cup running over with Aloha.  When I was cold and wet, tired and hungry, Willie welcomed me to Lift Cafe.  He's one of Life's Givers, and my respect for him is enormous.  Thank you so much, Willie.  I consider you a dear friend.

John.  John, too, welcomed me to Lift Cafe.  As the manager, he could easily have told me to take my trip on down the highway, but he didn't.  He's been gracious and generous, and I wish him the very, very best.

Charlie. At only 17 years of age, he's already one of Life's Winners.  Thanks, Charlie, for the sleeping bag.  It has kept me warm when others on the street were tossing and turning from the cold.  Thank you for letting me ride your motorized bike.  Thanks for the cigarettes.  Thanks for being you.  Your life lies ahead of you now, and if you keep on manifesting your beautiful spirit, so many people will be blessed simply for your having passed this way.

Danny with that marvelous voice of his.  Allie I and Allie II.  Dear, sweet Katie.

Kris.  Ah, you da real deal, Bruddah man!  I think if we looked up the  word "aloha" that your picture would surely be there as illustration.  Thank you for the gifts of warmth, lights, food, and friendship.  I stand in awe of you.

Jason.  You made it possible for me to take some wonderful photographs.  The camera was stolen on the Long Ride, but not before I'd taken photographs which will go with me thoughout the rest of my life.  I honor you, Brother Jason.  You're truly an awesome person.

Erin.  You serenaded me.  I don't think anyone has ever done that before, and I felt so blessed and special.  Your talent cries out to emerge.  I want to read your lyrics and watch you blossom.  Thank you, Dear Heart, for your gift of creativity.

Now here are some people from the Street (aside from Smokie and KB) who have enriched my life.  Again in no particular order.

Smiley.  Giver, generous heart, always thinking of others.  Smiley, you're one of Life's Dharma Heros.

Will the Troubadour.  Thank you Will for your songs, your warmth, your acceptance of me as a friend.  "I'll share your pain."

Snail.  Guru of the street, Emperor of the Dumpsters, Survivor of a Rotten Childhood.  Sharer of snipes and smokes and food.  I honor you as a brother and teacher.

Allie.  Beautiful elfin woman-child.  I so enjoy seeing you move through life.  I was saddened by your bicycle accident and ever so grateful it wasn't worse than it was.  Keep on keeping on.

Maggie. Beauty in motion, marvelous fashion sense.

Ingrid.  Terrific songster, writer of fantasic lyrics.  Thank you for sharing them with me.

Cleve.  Down but not out.  Clearing brush for a pittance.  Sharing that pittance with others (including me).  A survivor.  Sleeping in the cold and not complaining too much about it.  Thank you, brother.

Robert.  Hater of being photographed.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.  Thank you for being another survivor, for being able to take a cardboard box and make a shelter from it.  I honor you, my brother.

Elwin.  Who shows up in my life from time to time, always in a welcome sense.  You have so much potential.  Learn from your time on the street and become a better person for having endured.

Todd.  You're so much more interesting sober than when you're drinking.

Old Man John.  You and "Mama" have been there for me as friends.  Thank you for that.

And for McDonald's...Wes, the manager.  Wes, you're one of the Good Guys.  You've allowed me to sit out there on your patio and sip away at coffee, and have never been anything other than gracious and welcoming.  How beautiful on the mountain....

This list would be incomplete without a big shout-out to the good folks who operate Mobile Loaves and Fishes.  You have fed us when we were hungry and desperate, clothed us, and let us know that we're of value--not just bums and tramps.  Thank you, Alan.  Thank you, Cora.

Now this is just a partial list.  There are so many who have touched my life, and as memory prompts me, I'll add you to my gratitude list.

But for now, here's wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving from Madame LaBelle and myself.

You have made so much of my Quest possible.  Allies, helpers, kokuas, angels of aloha.  That's you.  Thank you for allowing me to share some thoughts and hopes, triumphs and failures with you.  Thanks for being there in the good times and the not-so-good.  You have all been my teachers, in one way or another. 

You have made this Thanksgiving truly blessed for me.

Peace, aloha, 'ohana,
