Thursday, December 31, 2009

Smokie and KB's camp trashed

Got an email from Smokie saying that their camp had been vandalized. I'd left my little tent with them and it, too, was slashed and torn.

How very sad.

So they've moved once again, seeking some place where they can sleep in peace and leave their belongings in relative safety.

The only way I know to do that is *not* to leave anything behind when you leave for the day, which means living and moving so lightly that it will all go on the bicycle. The problem with this approach is that it advertises to the world that you're homeless.

The other option is to have a place to stash your belongings that is safe. Hard to find such a place. There are "Bush Beaters" who systematically beat the bushes looking for stashed belongings. The Homeless stealing from the Homeless.

For any of you with a creative and inventive streak, give some thought to creating/inventing a simple little stash device. I'm thinking...a fake boulder, log, etc. that's hollow and can pass muster lying there in the undergrowth. Hmmm.

Of course the Homeless don't have the money to buy such a device, so perhaps something cheap, made of things commonly found in a dumpster?


It's the last day of the decade, and MLBelle is resigning her job to take on another. She's quite the lady, an ongoing inspiration to me.

From both of us to all of you...Best Wishes for this coming year and decade!

I've lost Jamie's email addy. Anyone can help me out? You can write to me via should you feel so inclined.

Peace and a world of aloha,


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