Friday, January 29, 2010

How NOT To Write A Blog


"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."

                               --Hunter S. Thompson

I've learned a thing or three about blogging in the past few months.

Mostly what NOT to do.

Right now I'm about 99% sure hardly anyone is tuning into this thing.  If that's not bad enough what's even worse is...IT'S ALL MY FAULT!

How many things did I do wrong?  Let me count the ways:

1.  The title of the blog was just toooo long.  Counting the "dots," it's nine words long.  That's two or three too many.  How is someone supposed to remember all that?  And the words don't flow, there's no real rhythm to them.

2.  I didn't have business cards printed up with the blog address on them.  When people would ask for the address, I had to hunt around for a piece of paper, borrow a pen--totally professional, eh?

3.  Didn't blog on a daily basis.  Now this one wasn't so bad when I was there in Austin, as I *did* write fairly frequently.  But since I've come to Houston, I've really let things slip and the readership has gone right out the window.  Again, all my fault.

4.  I didn't engage the reader enough.  I failed to really ask for comments, feedback, or questions.  Instead, it was all about me.  Bad move, Elijah.

5.  It took me forever to learn how to add a photograph to the blog, and then even longer to learn how to add *multiple* photographs.  And a photograph really does add something special to the post.

6.  I didn't know how to do RSS feeds (still don't, truth to tell) and so I'm unable to give guidance to newbies as to how to follow me with a minimum of effort.

That's half a dozen right there and I think I'd better stop before I jump out of yonder window.

The good news is:  I plan to start another blog when I return to Austin.  One with a much shorter, catchier title, one that's easy to remember.  And by then I hope to have some of the technical aspects worked out.  Possibly even moving to a web-hosted site.  I might even sell t-shirts.

Oh, and while I'm at it:  I'm really getting intrigued by the notion of writing and publishing my own ebook.  Kinda spooky, but it's something I think I can do.  Realistically, rather than that fiasco of a Long Ride that was just too much for me.

So...stay tuned.  The Old Man ain't done yet.  The Fat Lady may be clearing her throat, but she's yet to warble a note.  So there's still time.

Thanks.  A bunch.

For what it's worth, you guys are my very first blog audience.  And you've been terrific for all my faults and flaws.

And before I go?  Gimme a comment or three just to let me know you're out there, whatcha say?  I'm studying my bony old bum off, trying to get this thing down.  The old dawg learning new tricks.  And you know what?  I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

Following my bliss, you see.  Just like you.

Peace and aloha,



  1. Hey there Elijah! Hope Houston is treating you well. I look forward to your return to Austin and a new blog to accompany it.

  2. Mahalo, Christine! Followers like you really *do* make my day and encourage me to keep on keeping on!

    Much aloha!


  3. I follow your blog and am glad to read all about you. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your journey.- Kris (bike shop)'s wife - Sam

  4. Ahhh, Sam. I've been thinking a lot about Kris and Jason lately, promising myself to send them a snail mail to let them know I'm still alive and kicking. Good to hear you're still hanging in there despite my recent absences.

    Much aloha,


  5. How about The StreetMan Diaries ( You're a good soul, Elijah and we like reading what is tickling your brain.

    I am just coming back from a week away and need to do some catch up work on my own blog. Since you asked in an earlier post, my blog is called The Clydesdale Project. (

    Thanks for including me in your community, brother.

    Big Clyde
