Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Surely We Can Say This:

Surely we can say this:  that our leaders have failed us.  Again and again.  To the point where there are subclasses of people who have utterly given up on the System.  Why vote?  Nothing changes.

I have since June voluntarily joined the homeless of Austin, with some much needed time outs from time to time.  Call it: Rest.

So I have been here.  Have slept in the woods, been rained on, hassled by the police, and otherwise shared the common experiences of those who live on the street.

I have made many friends during this Vision Quest.  I've seen and learned things which I'd not given much thought to.

There is an entire subculture down here which is so highly suspicious of politicians in general, as well as the mainstream mass media, that various conspiracy theories are rapidly taking root.  When ya got nothing, a theory which explains your failure as being the direct product of a massive conspiracy--now there's some words with meat on the bones.

Myself, I see the entire thing being driven blindly by various forces, with conspiracy now and then being a part of it.  Yes, corporations have been known to profit from insider information.  I mean, DUH. And elections have been stolen. 
We have been led into costly wars based on outrageous lies.

So the Street is a place where the government is not only not to be trusted but basically seen as the Enemy.

What Smokie and KB have found, discovered, created is this mythic explanation of why everything's so...fubar.

The New World Order.

And that gives real purpose and meaning to their lives because they are *actively* out there trying to change things.  Get the word out.

And of course the World considers them fringe lunatics.

I consider them to be Fringe Angels.

They have a message.

We can take what we need of that message and leave the rest.


The food truck never came last night and isn't on the schedule for tonight, so that means they'll probably show bc last night they *were* scheduled--and didn't show.

Otherwise I'll have one of those McDoubles.

Tomorrow night may get down to 32 degrees if the weather-crystals are being scried correctly.  Interested to see how well my gear can handle a night that shivery.  The last two nights I have slept w/ the sleeping bag open at my waist w/ just the blankie over me upper.  Twas toasty, Luv.

Today I called into existence a "Magic Day."  I did that by doing the beads, a 40 repetition of thankfulness for the Magic Day I was about to have/create.

And why not?

Isn't part of my responsibility--now that I KNOW the Universe is going to deliver a Magic Day--isn't part of my responsibility to open my eyes and seek out the Magick?

Which I did.

From time to time.

From time to time I would remember it was a Magic Day and I would open my eyes to it and there shimmering or dancing or silhouetting or pirouetting or whatevvahing, there it would be.

And entire world slid by transparent beside the clear waters of Barton Springs Creek.  I watched it slide by with that clarity and precision and...twas loverly.

And trees growing together and vines creeping up, climbing those gnarled trunks, black ducks arranging themselves just so in fabulous artistry of composition.

It has been here, each time I remembered to look.

I will do it just now.  Back inna flash:

Gawd, I'm inna movie.

All is well in the great city of Austin.  I say that from my perch of safety, full well knowing that there are others who at this moment are suffering.  Here.  In Austin.

And there is nothing I can do about it save follow my path where it glimmers.

I'm beginning to wonder if somehow I've not worn my welcome a bit thin here.


Peace, aloha, devotion,

Elijah from da street


  1. I disagree Mr. E...your welcome is far from worn, it was good to see you back.

    I hope your stay in Houston is a restful one. I'll see you when the Bluebonnets return


  2. Ahhh, Chris. Thankee, thankee. Twas good to see you again, you and Jason. There's something about being in the presence of the good that just makes smelling the roses ever so much easier.

    You're on the side of the angels.
