Monday, September 28, 2009

Brief Update

It's Monday, the 28th of September, and I'm no longer on the street.  The mendicant monk has come in from the cold, so to speak, and Madame LaBelle has spread her spiritual wings over him.

Just finished a brief review of LIFT CAFE wherein I gave a shout-out to John and Jamie who did so much to lift my spirits during the month I was out there on the Walkabout.

There are so many people and events I want to write about, so bear with me while I organize my somewhat disjointed thoughts and try to pull it all together.  Stay tuned for future updates.

I'm thinking of...John and Jamie...Tom...Cleve...William B. Clay...Smoky and K.B....Smiley...Drifter... Courtney...DeLon (and red-headed g/f)...Blue the guitar player...his sidekick Jimbo...Snail...Old Man John... the drum circle at the Pedestrian Bridge...Creeper...the lady Economics Major there at UT... and so many, many more.

It was a month of incredible tension, elation, boredom, and excitement.  A real grab-bag of happenings and emotions, and I don't want that time to fade into the mental woodwork without making an attempt to get it down in black and white.

For those of you who are following this, feel free to drop me a line at my email:

Would love to hear from you.

Peace and's been a trip!


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