Monday, November 2, 2009

In A State of Grace

I have been on the edge, the verge of tears for some hours now.  Strange.  In the morning, I was so faint from low blood sugar that I made the ride up to Veggie Heaven.  There I ate, then borrowed a plastic bag and cleaned up the parking lot for them.  My way of saying "Thank you."

On the way I actually asked two people for money, both of whom turned me down.  Compassion Fatigue.  Understandable.  But then I saw that today was a day for me to dance with my own compassion, to have compassion for those whose compassion is somewhat burnt out.

And then the day turned on me and became filled with Grace.

I cleaned the ashtray at the Scientology Building, then rode back down the hill.  Stopped at Mellow Johnnie's and got a decal for my helmet.  Then down to the "Opossum Temple" there on the trail, the north side of the Colorado.

A young lady was kind enough to take my picture seated on the "Voodoo Pew."  It's the same temple I wrote about sometime ago when I spent an hour or so cleaning up the rubbish.

It's mid-afternoon now, and I have yet to check where the food trucks will or won't be.

But all is well.  I'm riding well, conserving energy, brimming with something I suspect is a first-cousin to aloha.





  1. hang in there E. you're doing good work.. enjoying the narrative from somewhere deep within my cubicle...

  2. And the day came laden with gifts in the afternoon. Watch cap, patch kit, tire irons, tire pump, sandwich, chips--all flowing through that Zen Aloha Master known as Kris at the Bicycle Sport Shop.

    Life is so good.

    And breakfast tacos galore courtesy of John at Lift Cafe.

    Grace. Amen to that.
