Monday, November 2, 2009

Smokie and KB's Camp

Here we have KB and Smokie, sitting before their "hermetically sealed" tent from Wal-mart.  They've taken garbage bags and taped and tied them together to form a makeshift tarp, rainfly. 

Odd how our lives touch each other.  Smokie came into my life as my IT guy, trying to get the derned virus out of my computer.  Took Walkabout3 for that to happen, but he got it done. 

Then he and KB needed a new campsite, so I turned them onto where I stay.  They moved a few hundred yards away, and seem to be quite happy there.

"He'd be lost without me, KB told me last night re Smokie.  "He tells me which way to go and I tell him what to do when we get there."  She was reflective a moment.  "Come to think of it," she said, "I'd be lost without him, too."

They are down here at street level, trying to get by.  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights they go down to Sixth Street to pick up snipes and whatever it is they'll find.  They came back with a phone with unlimited minutes the other day, plus an 8 gig flash drive.  All kinds of things.

Down here, it's almost always some kind of treasure hunt, keeping yr eyes open to whatever the Universe provides.  It's hunting, of a sort.  Going out on the hunt, then sitting around a hot cup of coffee and telling the stories of how it all came down.

They are creating this narrative called Smokie and the KB.  And I can't help but wonder how it's all gonna turn out.

Life is filled with wonderful stories, wonderful characters.  Each moving along with their hangups and tensions and wants and hopes and all of that.

Every now and then an old man with a bike heading out west.

Wonder how that one's gonna turn out?

I've had a fine day.  It's chilly now, and I'm sitting at Lift Cafe hoping for a cup of java before I head down to the Pedestrian Bridge to feed the homeless.  Got a sackful of breakfast tacos John brought, and the food truck didn't come today, so they'll be most welcome.

See how it works?

Much aloha,



  1. Hey Elijah, glad to see you are hanging in there & making the world a better place one day at a time! We need more Elijah's in the world, your blog is an eye opener, I find it very refreshing & glad you are keeping it going. Bless you & happy belated birthday!

  2. Mmmmm. What a lovely way to start the day, reading such a comment! Many mahalos, Precious One.
