Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Leaving Soon

Soon I will be leaving on the Long Ride 2009.  And I'm planning to document the entire thing on a new blog which will be:
Hoping you'll all gravitate to that site once I formally declare the ride to be "on."

Planning to leave early next week for all points west, but kinda thinking...Tucson.  That's almost 900 miles away.  Think a 65 year old geezer/wheezer w/ emphysema can make it?  Stay tuned.

Anyone wishing to contribute a bit of cash to the trip should get hopping.  I don't have a bank account, so cash will be the only thing I can accept.  Well, wishes of aloha would be lovely, as well.

Send to:  Elijah Street c/o John Voss/Lift Cafe/215A S. Lamar/Austin, TX 78704.

As I may be leaving as early as this coming Monday, time is a factor.

And for those of you who have already given so much, peace.  Relax.  You've done enough already.

Don't feel under any pressure, Dear Hearts.  If ya wanna then go for it.  If not, don't.

It's all good.

Peace, aloha, and a world of blessings.


1 comment:

  1. Elijah, I will be following and wish you many blessings and safety on your journey. Godspeed, Elijah.

    Big Clyde
