Friday, October 30, 2009


Just thought y'all might like to take a gander at the Old Man's camp.  This is a typical shot, the tent still filled with "stuff." 

This photo taken a few days ago, and will soon be dated as I'm planning to move camp a few yards tonight.  Bit more secluded.

You can see that it's a bit of a clearing, fairly level.  No problem getting comfortable of a night.  But mosquitoes all around me when it's warm.

But now I have insect repellent, a good thing to have on hand.

My little home away from home.  Most of it thanks to Madame LaBelle.

Peace, aloha, and safe campsites,



  1. Love your blog Elijah. Nice campsite.... dang skeeters, I use avon's "skin so soft" (yeah I just admitted that :0) - I'm a disabled vet .. I can handle it lol - learned about it in the service ... works like a charm!... Peace to ya Elija


  2. Aion...thanks for the tip re the "skin so soft." Recently bought a can of insect repellent, hoping that does the trick. But a lotion would be much well, twould smell a lot better, right?

    Thanks for commenting, my friend!
