Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In Praise of Cardboard

Cardboard isn't something we ordinarily take too much time out of our day to appreciate.  But when the cold starts to develop fangs and claws, cardboard can make the difference between life and death.  Literally.  Especially if you've been drinking.  I had an Eskimo lady friend who moved from Alaska to Honolulu because she was afraid of passing out some night and freezing to death.

Yeah, buddy.  Brrrr.

It serves as insulation from the cold of the ground, you see.

Makes a nice impromptu umbrella for rain or sun.

Several layers make a serviceable mattress.

A big cardboard box will keep the wind off, and it's the windchill factor that can really do a street person in.

You can scrunch cardboard up until it's pliable enough to serve as a blanket.

Makes a great seat when the ground is wet or pebbly.  Helps keep seat of trousers clean.

You can use it to make a sign.  Remember's Smiley's "Good Karma" sign?  Cardboard.

And this really doesn't begin to scratch the surface of the good uses a creative street person can put cardboard to.

It can be a makeshift shanty.  With tarps over?  Mmmmm.  Nice.

So...a thousand kowtows in the direction of whoever it was who first thunk up cardboard.

We people on the street know it can be a lifesaver.  We salute you, O God of Cardboard.

Peace, aloha, cardboard when ya need it,


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