Friday, October 23, 2009

T.J.'s Breakdown w/ Allies

When the Spirit of Aloha is dancing, Allies are there where and when you need them.

Case in point:  I'm sitting at the magickal LIFT CAFE, brushing the sleep out of my eyes, when I suddenly spot T.J. pushing his homemade motor bike down the sidewalk.  The bike w/ the chainsaw motor, remember?

What's up w/ that?

Turns out he had a minor accident yesterday, a bit of road rash on his chin and his wrist about as sore as it can be without being broken.

He needs a new rear tire, and this is where this story picks up.  Willie, the owner of this building (and a super-nice guy) comes by, takes a look at the situation, and makes suggestions that are right on, sensible.

Eventually, John (the manager) calls around.  Empire bike shop is a possibility as is Wal-mart.  TJ, being strapped for cash, opts for the latter.  But he's paranoid about losing his stuff, doesn't have any way to lock the bike up.

So here's where I play a part in the story.  I get to be an Ally for a change.  I happen to have a cable lock (thanks to the ever-generous and lovely Madame LaBelle) so I offer to let him use that to secure his ride to the bike racks there at LIFT.

No sooner said than done.

John figured out which bus he needs to take, so as of this writing, TJ is off on a mission.  Find a tire that'll work, get the ride working again, and see what the day brings.

Stay tuned.  Will update as progress occurs.

It's now the next day, update time.

TJ came back with a tire and tube in the late afternoon.  His bike was still safe,all his household goods still there where he'd left them. 

He showed me the box the tire came in, happy that the tire was a "Mongoose," same as his bike. 

Turns out the honcho at BICYCLE SPORT SHOP had given him the okay to change the tire down by the side of the shop, so TJ was in a happy mood.

Well, perhaps the five-liter box of wine had something to do with that, too.  He took the wine out of the box and put it in his backpack.  Packing his passport to Nirvana, Dharma Bum style.  Where's Jack Kerouac when an old wino needs him, eh?

So last I saw TJ he was pushing the bike down the sidewalk towards the bike shop.  I feel sure he got the tire changed.

I have to do this right, he said.  I just can't can't fuck it up.

Let's hope he did it right.  And who knows if we'll ever see him again?  These wondrous characters from CCC (Cosmic Central Casting) keep showing up in my life and they are so over-the-top that I just know they're courtesy of the Universe's twisted and wonderful sense of humor.

Go in peace, TJ.  Blessings.

Peace, aloha, and Allies Galore,


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